How to find your creative side?

I know most the people are here in the need to find something extraordinary in them or something which they can say is their creative side, well to be honest in this 21st century being creative is must stand out in the world where everyone is following the same pattern over and over again.

one should nourish their skill and find their hidden talent side whom they would call their creative side. But first. we need to learn about:

what is creativity?

Creativity is nothing but the ability of the person to generate new ideas and quality in the process of making something useful and valuable.

According to Sternberg, creativity has five components:

Stand out in the crowd

be an expert in your field

  1. Expertise– one needs to be an expert in his field. i.e. if you are a painter you should love doing it if you are a dancer you should love dancing if you are a writer you should love writing. Be the expert of your knowledge and find that one thing which you loves the most, as according to a various psychologist this is the only way to nourish your passion into creative side and be an expert about it.

Create your own world

think beyond imagination

2. Imaginative thinking skills- we all love the world of fantasy and the way we imagine certain things in our minds, but what will happen if you will be able to use your imaginative skills in real life? Have you ever thought of it?

If not then this is the time- start painting whatever you have in your mind, write everything on paper that is running inside, create the song which you always hum about, and see the world through your naked eyes, mould and make it with your hands that is the only way to be imaginative about your skills to be creative.

Risk is everything

the one who takes risk rules the world.

3. Venturesome Personality- Are you the one who has the power to take risks? then you are on the right path to finding out your creative side. i.e. A writer is not a born writer they take risks for their whole life then one day they become successful authors, A painter or an artist is not the one who would just sit around to play with the norms of society, they take risks for the psychological bliss they wanted to achieve. you must always be ready to take the risks to be on top, be ready to make your identity and explore the world with your eyes.

Motivation is your key

energy booster of your life

4. Intrinsic Motivation- If I need to ask what motivates you to write? or to paint? or to be the artist of the world? the answer would be-it comes from inside. The motivation comes from inside to make you confident so that you can focus yourself on doing the thing which you love the most. which you can never get bored about it and it always comes in your dream to motivate you to write, paint, sing a song, or whatever you want. The motivation which comes from inside will never let you sleep unless you are ready to face it that’s why it is the only way to find your creative side.

Looks sometimes matter

The environment cause stimuli

5. Creative Environment- All of us must have heard that we adopt everything around us. A writer finds metaphors according to their surroundings, A poem is written from the atmosphere you are living in, a painting is made from what you are beholding, and a song is written from the ballads you are listening to. so, the environment, should be according to your needs and mind mapping the ways it helps to find your creative side to find your artistic side and then take the risk, stand up for yourself and do it.

After knowing your art, you will realize you have found yourself, so you must take certain risks to show the world what you have inside your heart and the way things work according to you.

Be Creative! show the world who you are!

I hope this blog will help you to find your creative side in a certain way.

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