9 important things you need to know about yourself 

Going through hard times and not knowing about yourself is the biggest hurdle to cross 

But wait if you are clueless and have no idea what you ought to know especially when you want to live on your terms.

Or what you need to do to live your dream life.

However, there can be endless things that you are not aware of yourself but at least You should know that self-improvement is the biggest part of personality development If you are not aware of who you truly are then this is the perfect time to know yourself better.

  •  What are your goals?
woman in white sweater thinking

The first important thing you need to know about yourself is what are your goals in life. What do you want to be and when I say what you want to be it doesn’t relate to the job you do. 

People do different jobs each day while having the same passion in their eyes from millions of years of waiting for an opportunity to grab to rule the world. So, understand first what your goal is to do in your life rather than just being water in a flawless river.

  • How do you cope with negativity? 
anxious young woman cover wing ears with hands sitting on chair

Well, a question that has bewildered thousands of minds with its cunningness makes it important to reassure and ask yourself how do you cope with negativity? And if you are still clueless then I am sure these things will help you to eradicate the negativity 

Feel what you have and let yourself know what is negative around you, express yourself and if you can not use syllables then use the form of art to understand your mind. Share your problems with your friends and family so that they can understand what you are going through and last but not least, take your time because time heals everything, even a giant scar becomes smaller with the power of time.

  • What makes you happy?

The third thing you need to know about yourself is your way of getting happiness. What makes you happy?

When you close your eyes you see a bubble living in a happy colour or you see it turning black ahead of your eyes. Well, the actual task is to know what makes you happy.

So, my dear readers close your eyes and feel the moment around you, your aura and the power that is hidden inside. 

Happiness can be found in little things and can be divided into enlarging ones but if you want to feel yourself on a sandy beach then do it! Feel your hair flowing with the waves of air, your heart melting by the seaside or maybe only a hot cup of coffee can bring the glow on your skin with its velvety texture and tempting divine. 

  • Are you a person of the word? 

The fourth important thing you need to know about yourself is to ask yourself whether you are a person of the word or not.

Do you stand on your words? 

Well maybe you are still clueless and have no idea what I am talking about and what you are resting but one thing I am sure of is you are still the same person in the past and will be the same person in future with some alterations. 

Do you do as you say on the time or do you just extend things for tomorrow? Are you as you believe you are or are you more or less than that? 

Well, there will always be thousands of questions and hundreds of answers to them but you need to figure it out by yourself.

  • What are your strengths? And why are you good at them? 

The fifth important thing to know about yourself is to know your strengths and why you are good at them. 

You should know about certain things which you are good at. Let’s suppose your friend is good at singing while you are good at painting. Now, that you have recognised your strength after recognising it, focus on it and nourish it with your creative mind. 

If you are good at something then you should be flawless about it, you should never be able to get bored of it while facing many difficulties, so nourish your strengths and polish them to make them better because it is widely famous that if a person is good at something he/she should never do it for free.

  • What are your weaknesses and why are you not good at them?
man in black shirt and gray denim pants sitting on gray padded bench

 The sixth important thing to know about yourself is to know about your weaknesses and why you are not good at them.

Grab a pen and make a list; make a list that includes all the weaknesses you felt about yourself and it would be a pleasure if you remain honest with yourself. 

As far as I know, weaknesses don’t make a person filthy his/ her willingness makes it

 Long, in short, you should know those things in which you are not good so you can work on them.

  • What type of person you are and what are your personality traits? 
photo of women sitting on orange sofa

 The seventh important thing to find about yourself is to Close your eyes and ask yourself who you are? 

Are you a social person who wants to take charge of everything and wants to be a leader with an extremely friendly nature or you are an anxious introvert with a social label who rather wants to be in the nutshell?

By the way, you can be both if you truly in a manner understand your personality traits with the help of knowing about yourself. You can be extremely shy and mysterious to the crowd, or you can be the ruler ready to lead everyone. It’s all at your fingertips and the way you work. 

  • Who are your friends and enemies? 

The eighth important thing to know about yourself is to find out who your friends and enemies are.

A person should know to whom he/she should ally. You need to be very clear about who is supportive of you and who tries to point out your mistakes when you are wrong. I know it can be difficult to find the real face of all the people who are associated with you but some humans are like Sapien with their hideous personalities, they try to defame you every time you try to achieve success while others support you in all the circumstances.

So you need to pause to understand who is your friend and who is your enemy.

  • What is your capability of taking stands in relationships?

The ninth important thing you should know about yourself is your capability of taking stands in relationships. 

You are a person of vivid mind but you cannot even talk your heart out to your partner, cannot say what is right or wrong is the biggest indication to say that you are not capable enough to take a stand in relationships. 

You should make yourself crystal clear in a relationship and stand for yourself when nobody does because you are not here to play the damsel in distress. 

I hope this blog lets you discover yourself a little closer.

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