8 Signs You Are Dating A Narcissist!

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Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation where you know something bad is happening but can’t speak because the blame is on yourself? There can be various incidents where you feel like you are on cloud nine but feel lost the next moment. You may be going through thousands of emotions at the same time, but nothing feels right, right? Are you in a relationship where you can’t control your life? There is a high possibility that you might be dating a Narcissist. 

Yes, you heard right! Narcissists do exist and can make you feel like a puppet. Do you feel lost, exhausted, and stuck in a circular flow for infinite time? The one thing you need to know right now is to understand the pattern and be vigilant about the signs that scream that you are dating a Narcissist, but before that, let us first understand what is meant by narcissism. 

What is Narcissism, and who are Narcissists?

couple having an argument

Although narcissism is a psychological attribute that is usually discussed informally, do you know what it means? Fundamentally, narcissism is defined by an excessive amount of self-focus, an insatiable need for approval, and a general lack of empathy for other people. A small amount of self-love is good, but too much narcissism goes too far with it. Individuals who exhibit these characteristics regularly could be labeled as narcissists, and in more extreme situations, they might even get diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissism Is?

Narcissism is more than just vanity or confidence. It involves an inflated sense of self-importance and a preoccupation with power, success, and appearance. Here are some key characteristics of narcissism:

Grandiosity: Narcissists often believe they are superior to others and expect to be treated as such, even without accomplishments that justify this belief.

Constant Need for Admiration: They require excessive praise and validation from those around them to boost their fragile self-esteem.

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists tend to struggle with seeing things from others’ perspectives or caring about other people’s feelings.

Sense of Entitlement: They feel they deserve special treatment and can get frustrated when things don’t go their way.

Manipulative Behavior: They often exploit others to achieve their personal goals, whether it’s for career advancement, status, or admiration.

Who Are Narcissists?

Narcissists are individuals who consistently exhibit narcissistic traits. They tend to make everything about themselves and seek constant validation from the world around them. These individuals may:

  • Appear confident but are deeply insecure: 
  • Struggle in relationships
  • React badly to criticism
  • Be manipulative

Signs You Are Dating A Narcissist? 

Let’s see some of the signs that determine you are dating a narcissist! 

1. They looked charming at first  

Have you ever met someone who seemed almost too good to be true? Their confidence, charisma, and charm instantly draw you in, making them the centre of attention in any room. That’s the charisma of a narcissist. At first look, they often appear charming—so much so that people are naturally attracted to their personalities.

Their initial charm comes from their ability to project a well-crafted image of success, self-assurance, and likability. Narcissists are absolute red flags and are experts at presenting themselves in the best possible light. They can be great conversationalists, skilled at making you feel important and valued. But beneath this façade of charm lies a different reality. Over time, the cracks begin to show, revealing their need for admiration, lack of empathy, and tendency to manipulate others for personal gain. Though It’s easy to get swept away by their charm in the beginning, as the relationship progresses, the true nature of a narcissist often becomes harder to ignore.

2. They only talk about how great they are 

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, only to realize that the entire dialogue revolves around them? Chances are, you’ve encountered a narcissist. One of the defining traits of narcissism is an unrelenting need to talk about how great they are. Whether it’s in a casual conversation or during a formal gathering, narcissists love making themselves the focal point of every discussion.

Narcissists often babble about their achievements, successes, and talents exaggeratedly. It might start with subtle name-dropping, followed by a constant stream of stories about how they’re better, smarter, or more successful than others. They’ll emphasize their skills to recount victories. But it’s not just about sharing successes—they’ll often downplay or dismiss others’ accomplishments compared to their own. To a narcissist, the world revolves around them, and they crave admiration. This relentless self-promotion can make conversations feel one-sided, leaving you wondering if they’re truly interested in anyone but themselves. 

3. They Require constant attention 

Narcissists crave attention all the time because their self-worth is heavily dependent on the validation of others. Despite appearing confident, they often have low self-esteem and need others’ admiration to feel secure. This constant need drives them to remain in the spotlight through charm or even creating drama. When they don’t receive the attention they crave, they feel threatened or unimportant, leading to negative reactions. This cycle of seeking and needing validation continues for a long time and affects their relationships, as they prioritize their need for attention over others’ emotional well-being.

4. They have less or almost no long-term friends 

Yes, you heard right! Narcissists have almost less or no long-term friends! They always think about themselves and often neglect other people’s ideas. It is common for them to have arguments often, and when it is dug deep, it can be seen that they have no friends to rely on. And that is not enough! These people can be super insecure when you plan to meet your friends or just want to hang out with them. No, it does not end there; they often make you feel guilty about spending time with your loved ones and pick up a fight with you for no valid reason, or they even cross their lines by criticizing the type of friends you have. 

5. You are their favorite toy to pick on

Narcissists often treat others like their favorite toys to pick on, manipulating and controlling them to fill their fragile egos. In short, for them, you are just a toy! They thrive on the power they feel from dominating someone emotionally, constantly belittling or criticizing their target to maintain a sense of superiority. To a narcissist, people aren’t seen as equals with feelings—they’re merely tools to serve their endless need for validation. This behavior can be subtle at first, masked by charm, but over time, the narcissist’s true intent becomes clear as they chip away at their victim’s self-esteem, all while keeping them hooked through manipulation, which is absurd in all manners. 

6. Gaslighting is their gameplay 

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation and emotional abuse commonly used by narcissists. They may lie, twist the truth, or make false accusations to distort your reality, especially when their authority is questioned or they fear abandonment.

Signs of gaslighting can include:

  •  Feeling like you’re not the person you used to be.
  •  Increased anxiety and reduced confidence.
  •  Constantly wonder if you’re being too sensitive.
  •  Feeling like everything you do is wrong.
  •  Frequently apologizing or blaming yourself.
  •  Sensing something is wrong but unable to pinpoint it.
  •  Make excuses for your partner’s behavior.

Narcissists use gaslighting to make you doubt yourself, giving them control and a sense of superiority.

7. They Never Say Sorry!

Narcissists believe they are the ultimate masterminds of the universe and never apologize. You’ll realize you’re dating a narcissist when you notice signs such as not listening to you, ignoring what you have to say, refusing to compromise, and avoiding responsibility. Most importantly, they never truly intend to hear you out. They pretend they’re always right, blame you for their mistakes, and never say sorry. If you believe or have noticed the pattern that your partner never says, even after a mistake, chances are high that you are dating a narcissist! 

8. They lash out when you are done 

So, when you decide to stand up for yourself and break up with them, they lash out because their fragile self-esteem has been wounded. They often go out of their way to hurt you by ending the relationship, even due to their faults. Narcissists are the ultimate egotistical jerks, and when their egos aren’t fed, they harbor hatred toward those they feel have wronged them. The reason is simple: for a narcissist, everything is someone else’s fault, including the breakup. If you feel like talking things out hasn’t led to any resolution, that’s because it never will when dealing with a narcissist.

What can be done if you are dating a Narcissist?

If you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist, you’ve already suffered, my friend!

You’ve gone through it all alone, from gaslighting to lack of commitment. But now it’s time to take a stand for yourself and break up with them. It may feel hard and confusing initially due to your emotional involvement, but it’s for the best!

They may try to lure you back with their words but focus on their actions instead. Heal yourself first. Cut ties completely, even if they keep asking for more chances—because this has happened before, and you don’t want to repeat the same mistakes over and over in a dead relationship where you’re only blamed and emotionally drained.

You must be brave enough to ignore unexpected calls, messages, and unwanted meetups until they fully accept the breakup while you stick to your decision.

Also Read: 7 Supreme tips for surviving the most heartbreaking breakup! 

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