8 tips to crack your job interview like a pro!

Ah! Finally, it’s the time of the biggest bizarre of anybody’s life. Whether you have completed your school or college and looking out for several ways to get a job. Or you just want to think about how to crack an interview as you have never faced a one. I know there must be hundreds of questions in your mind struggling to find an answer on how to get that ultimate job for which you have always dreamed, or how to build the confidence in yourself so that you can handle the spotlight for a minute on your face.

However, if you are tired to find the answers to your questions then don’t worry I am here to guide you with these tips on how to crack your job interview like a pro.

1. Match your skills to the job descriptions-

Let’s suppose your skills and passion are different and you applied to a job which is completely different to your expertise without even acknowledging what was it about you applied to it like a mad person when you perfectly know an apple and a mango cannot be compared to each other as they have different capabilities. The same goes when the job description doesn’t match your skills so it would be better if you choose wisely where you are applying and where you perfectly fit according to your skills.

2.  Have full knowledge of the company-

The first thing you need to remember when going for an interview is that the first impression plays a very crucial role while giving the interview as it not only observes you for the rest of the process but also helps in determining the probability of your success. Therefore, you should know the company where you are going to give your interview. As an employer can easily tell whether you have a knowledge of the company or not, or whether you have applied blindly like a random shot in the company.

3. Prepare-

Preparation starts when you have to achieve something or when you have to crack an interview in your professional life that’s why prepare as much as you can because your career depends on it to grab the golden opportunity. as we know practice makes a man perfect. it also opens up hundreds of opportunities to get success. Hence, you can start practising by looking in the mirror at how to speak, what posture to make and how to behave in front of the interviewer. Moreover, you can also do a roleplay with your friend or any family member to gain confidence and nourish your skills more so that you can understand how to reply to questions and how to end a discussion.

4. Dress to impress-  

No matter what job you are applying for the first thing you need to make sure about yourself before reaching the office to give an interview is to check what you are wearing as wearing clothes which are not ironed and have dirt on them while your shoe being covered in mud can give a false impression of you to an interviewer,  it speaks more about your behaviour in general and sometimes it is considered as a sign of laziness.

5. Search for directions and plan your route-

before going to an interview you should know the directions of the route as it is better to reach the venue half an hour before the scheduled time when you don’t want to get late and miss the most important event of your life. It would be better if you look out for the directions before two days of the interview so that you can know about the peak hours when you can get stuck in the traffic, or what you should do to avoid the long waiting hours in traffic.

6. Avoid doing these things- after reaching the office to give an interview you should know what to avoid while having a face-to-face conversation with the interviewer.

Please do not inquire about job security-  this question might be interrupted your mind about knowing job security as the time is changing every day with the economy playing a crucial role in the market. But you should know nobody can take guarantee anything and this question might put a false impression of you which results in getting rejection by the interviewer.

Do not talk too much- it’s fine when you love to talk too much but you should know when you are going off-topic ahead of the person who is taking your interview, or when you are not answering the question that he/ she is asking you straightforwardly.

Don’t ask too many generic questions- Asking too many generic questions can give a false impression about you to the interviewer about your being ignorant and lacking listening skills.

7. Focus on these things- after knowing what you should not do now let’s focus on what you should do to crack your interview like a pro.

concentrate on the current situation- At the time of the interview, you should know that you need to concentrate only on the current position you are applying for not on the positions which you might get after getting a promotion in future.

Ask again if you do not understand a question- At the time of the interview when your interviewer asks you a question and you didn’t understand what he was asking about then you should stop there and ask him again by stating that you didn’t get it otherwise, it will jeopardise both you and your interviewer understanding.

Include examples- At the time of the interview whenever the interviewer asks you a question you can consider including examples in it as it will tell the interviewer about your experience in the past and how much you are involved and intrigued by whatever the interviewer is asking.

Asks questions to your interviewer-  It could be harmful to you if you don’t ask any questions. Your lack of involvement may be interpreted by the interviewer as an indication that you are uninterested in the position. Therefore, you need to be creative and come up with more in-depth questions regarding the position to ask, rather than ones that have already been answered by your approach.

8. Wait for a callback- 

After passing all the stages of cracking your interviews like a pro you should wait for a callback of you getting employed in the organisation as you know you have the right skills with passion and enough experience to get fit in the organisation and boost your career into another level with your confidence.

I know its hard to prove your worth to a company especially when you want a job and it’s much harder to showcase your ability when there is too much competition going around but you should know how to present yourself the way people talk about only of their achievements and persona won’t sparkle them in the eyes of the interviewer.

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