How to Identify Your Skin Type: A Step-by-Step Guide

photo of women doing their skincare

To know the wonders of your skin and to make your dream of having healthy, glowing, and flawless skin a reality, it is essential to know your skin type and what products to use, especially when you have a constant question scraping into your mind, “What is my skin type?”

Knowing your skin type can turn into art for you; in this way, you can select the best skincare products and customize a skincare regimen that will work best for you. Although with a lot of questions in your mind, you might be searching for answers, looking for a ray of hope on how to determine your skin type at home. Do not worry! By following these practical steps, you can get the answer to the question, “How to determine your face skin type?”. But before you scratch your head and jump from one conclusion to another, pay attention to why it is important to identify your skin type!

Why you should know your Skin type?

trendy ethnic woman looking at her skin in the mirror

If you are confused and think knowing your skin type is a waste of time, then you are failing to separate fact from fiction! Knowing your skin type can save you from problems with damage to your skin, such as acne, sun damage, etc. Moreover, it is also integral to acknowledge that following in the footsteps of celebrities won’t take you anywhere when you don’t even know what your skin type is. So, let’s huddle together and find out the common skin types.

What are the common skin types?

Each type of skin has its own character, and initially, the type of skin is determined through genetics. As you grow older, your skin can also change with different factors such as the product you use, your surroundings, and the nature you live in. Based on these characteristics there are five skin types-

  •  Normal
  •  Dry
  •  Oily
  •  Combination (both oily and dry) 
  •  Sensitive. 

So, if you think you do not know how to determine your skin, do not worry we have the perfect solution for you, just keep reading on. 

Effective ways to find out your skin type

Before you search for “What is my skin type?” there are some vital points you need to study carefully for your skincare and to be confident about your skin.

Dry or sensitive skin might feel tight after washing and can appear red or have wrinkles when pinched. On the other hand, oily or combination skin appears to be shinier with big pores or feels smooth. And to know how to define your skin type read on.

Wipe your face with a tissue

selective focus portrait photo of woman with a towel on head looking in the mirror

In the process of knowing how to determine your skin type at home, the first thing you need to do is dab your face with the help of a tissue. Wait, the task doesn’t finish there. After washing your face, wait an hour and gently pat your T-zone with a tissue. Now, carefully examine if the oil has rubbed off on the tissue or not. If it did, you should be aware that you have oily or combination skin. Though if you are confused about your T-zone area, do not trouble yourself and take the stress. The T-zone on your face is the area that includes your forehead and nose. It is ideally called the T-zone because the bridge of the nose forms the base of the “T” and the part of your forehead above your eyebrows forms the top of the “T.”

Examine how your skin feels

Whether it’s the summer, monsoon, or winter season, you must notice how your skin feels! I.e., if you have dry skin, you will feel your face tighter after cleansing. On the other hand, if you have oily skin, you will notice that your skin is cleaner after washing it. Moreover, your T-zone will also feel clean if you have a combination of skin types, though your cheeks will feel tight. And if that is not enough, your sensitive skin will react to specific cleansers, which may result in itchy skin or a rash.

The factors you should keep in mind while studying your skin carefully

●       If you have sensitive skin, using some cosmetic products may cause your face to become red, itchy, or break out in a rash.

●       At any age, you might have breakouts, pimples, or acne, especially if you have oily skin.

●       As the day goes on, oily skin will begin to feel greasy once more.

However, if you notice that you do not have oily skin or have not had any breakouts or pimples, it is a sign that you may have normal skin that requires too little care, so stop overthinking because you are the lucky one.

Monitor your pore size

reflection photo of woman touching her cheek to look her pore size

The best trick how to determine the skin type is to take a look at your pore size. If you have normal skin, your pores will be visible, but they will not be large. So be prepared, take a few steps back, and look at your image more confidently. If you are still able to recognise your pores, you have oily skin, and if you do not have any pores or fail to notice them, it is a sign that you may have dry skin. However, combination skin type shows when you have more than one pore size on your face due to the combination of oily, dry, and normal skin.

Talk to your dermatologist

If you are still confused about how to determine your skin type, don’t lose hope! You still have your dermatologist to help you out and answer all your questions related to your skin problems. By analysing your skin in depth, certain medications will be prescribed so that your dry, sensitive, oily, combination or acne-prone skin can be treated if all other methods fail to help your skin become healthy.

Now that you have finally gotten the answer to your question on methods and how to determine your face skin type, it is time to know the 10 necessary skincare tips on how to treat your skin effectively, whether it is dry, normal, oily, or a combination skin type.

How to take care of your skin based on your Skin type

Apply moisturizer to your skin

crop ethnic woman applying cream on face against mirror

Take the initiative to apply a fragrance-free cream to the dry areas of your skin. Do not use soap in excess, especially when you take the shower (it is advised to use warm water and not hot water). You can build the habit of only using soap on the dirty parts of your body, like in your armpits, under your breasts, and in between your toes. Because using too much soap can dry out and irritate your skin.

●       Apply a fragrance-free cream to the dry areas of your skin. Don’t overdo it on the soap when you take a shower and use warm water, not hot water.

●       Only use soap on the dirty parts of your body, like your armpits, your groyne, under your breasts, and between your toes. Using soap all over can dry out and irritate your skin.

Cleanse morning and night in case you have oily skin

woman washing face

Now that you have finally identified how to determine your skin type at home, it is high time you start following a routine and leave your overthinking behind. Apply a gentle facial cleanser and use warm water to wash your face in the morning or at night before you go to bed, especially if you have oily skin. It would be great if you could use a sample product to know what works best for your skin. Also, to make your oily skin healthy, keep these points in mind:

●       You must be shocked to know that even oily skin needs to be moisturized, so just use an oil-free moisturizer.

●       It is better to avoid using too many products at once to get rid of the excess oil on your skin, as drying out your skin can lead to it producing excess oil to compensate.

●       Also, you can use blotting paper to remove the excess percentage of oil from your face to make it appear less shiny.

Look for a balanced treatment for your combination skin type

If you have combination skin and have been tired of finding 10 skincare tips only for dry or oily skin, do not worry; you are in the right place to find your answers. For combination skin types, use a fragrance-free, gentle cleanser to wash your face and avoid soaps with harsh chemicals.

Stay hydrated

woman in black tank top drinking water

Yes! Whether it is New Year’s Eve, the end of the winter season, or when your creativity is at its peak, it is mandatory to keep your body hydrated and refreshed and to maintain your skin’s elasticity.

It is noticed that people who drink more water are less likely to get affected by scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. And those who drink water in smaller amounts are more likely to get these signs of ageing.

In the end, all we need is clear and healthy skin, but it is better to change your lifestyle too. Try to adopt yoga and meditation into your lifestyle, build stronger relationships, and forget about that breakup. Life is a journey; you have better things to do, like taking care of your skin. So for now, fall in love with yourself and do the skin type test at home by following the above-mentioned steps.

PRO TIP– Products for different skin types skin as per the dermatologist’s suggestion

Oily Skin– Lightweight, water-based moisturizers

Dry Skin– SPF 30 or above sunscreen, Vaseline

Normal Skin– Gentle Non-Foaming Cleanser, Normal- Hydrated Moisturizer

Combination (Oily + Dry) – Gentle Oil-balancing cleanser, Non-drying face mask.

Sensitive– The ordinary squalane cleanser, Herbal Moisturizer

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